June 8, 2018

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​Seriously, are You ​Ready to ​Start Leading?

​Compare Bungy jumping with leadership? ​Yeah, most people take the jump a lot more seriously. Understandable. On the other​ hand, we often deliver weak leadership for years and pretend there's not crash coming. But when a disruption occurs, weak leaders get washed out.

Directions for bungy jumping:  1) find a good operator, 2) verify the operator, 3) re-verify the operator, 4) sanity check and double check gear, 5) don't the first to jump! Result: All Good. 

Directions for leadership: YOU are the bungy operator! No checks at all. Result?

​Over years of working with lots of highly qualified tech professionals, my verify-the-operator findings are mixed. ​Most already have leadership responsibilities. But their skill inventory often has gaps:

  • Domain expertise? CHECK
  • Process understanding? CHECK
  • ​Collaboration and coordination?  MOSTLY CHECK
  • Handling Meeting issues/ topics/agenda facilitation ? WOBBLY
  • Presenting mission and roadmap? AWKWARD / WEAK
  • Handling bad news and re-alignments? STRESSED & HESITANT
  • Handling crisis? RUN AWAY!
  • Managing up? WORDY and INDECISIVE

​A mixed bag. But a surprising number of "senior" directors and exec's have limitations and friction.

Doubts? Check The Harvard Business Review, June, 2018 on common meeting complaints. 

​If your meetings even slightly resemble this gathering, you're losing power. Let's talk!

​In other words,  are you ​set to excel or just hold down the position? More concerning, are you already in charge and struggling?

​Where is this going?  Ask for help. Colleagues, bosses, books, blogs. AND perhaps a coach. 

​And, if you're in the Silicon Valley area, consider a live workshop event. A live workshop gives you peer feedback and a direct read-out of your level of comfort and skills in the leadership chair. Don't be "that guy" who lets team energy drain away and decisions drag!

And bungy jump safely!

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About the author 

Roy Terry

Roy Terry is the founder and principal consultant for Words & Presence, a leadership training and coaching practice in Silicon Valley, California.

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